2020 Marcus Oldham Australian Interschool Championships Cancelled
In collaboration with Equestrian Australia (EA) and EA State Branches, Equestrian Queensland (EQ) and Interschool Queensland (IQ) have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Marcus Oldham Australian Interschool Championships scheduled for 28 September – 3 October 2020 in Toowoomba, Queensland.
EQ acknowledges that this decision will disappoint many families, members and particularly year 12 students who have been looking forward to participating in their final Australian Interschool Championships competition. The decision to cancel the Australian Interschool Championships has been made due to the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the current COVID-19 situation. The decision also provides an opportunity for State Branches to plan and potentially deliver local and or state based interschool events in September/October 2020 that will support a greater number of interschool participants across Australia, subject to state government advice and public health directions.
Equestrian NT (ENT) due to our numbers will not be delivering a state based championships for Interschool. However, ENT is working closely with EQ to develop other competition opportunities for our Interschool Squad. EQ in partnership with IQ is pleased to advise that arrangements are currently underway to hold the 2020 Pryde’s EasiFeed Interschool Queensland State Championships in Toowoomba between 28 September – 3 October 2020, subject to directions and advice from Queensland Health. More to come on this for ENT members.
If you have any questions please contact us via email [email protected]